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Type I kinesiology sport tape
kinesiology sport tape on a runner’s calf.
The “I” strip is the basic component of ergonomic tape. For muscle promotion and inhibition, it can be used to make “X” bars, “Y” bars, fan and lift bars.
Typically, “I” bands are used to support muscles, tendons, and ligaments. They are often used to strengthen your rotator cuff, glutes, quadriceps, or Achilles tendon. The “I” bar can also be used on your lower and middle back to help you maintain proper posture.
To make the “I” strip, just cut the kinesiology tape you need. Use scissors to round the corners to prevent the tape from easily ripping off when rubbing against the garment.
X-shaped kinesiology sport tape
“X” kinesiology sport tape.
Brett Sears, PT, 2014
The “X” strip is used when kinesiology tape is required to cover a large area and needs to be passed through multiple joints. Labels for “X” labels cross sensitive areas, such as the back of the knee or the front of the elbow. This strap is usually used to boost your hamstrings, which pass through the back of your hip and knee joints.
To make the “X” strips, cut the “I” strips and cut lengthwise from one end of the tape toward the center. When you’re about halfway through the tape, turn the tape and cut lengthwise from the other end, leaving about 1-2 inches of tape uncut in the center.

Y-shaped kinesiology sport tape
Brett Sears, PT, 2014
The “Y” strap is a piece of kinesiology sport tape that is used to pass through sensitive areas of your body, such as behind your knees or in front of your elbows.
It is also commonly used in applications that control the position of the kneecap, such as patellofemoral stress syndrome or patellar subluxation.
The “Y” bars are usually not as long as the “X” bars.
“Y” strips are easily made by cutting the “X” strips in half. If you need a smaller “Y” bar, cut the “I” bar, then cut the bar in half lengthwise, leaving about 1-2 inches on one end.
Sector cutting of kinesiology sport tape
Brett Sears, PT, 2014
Fan is a kinesiology sport tape used to control swelling in the legs or arms. It is often used for lymphedema treatment or superficial contusions and swellings.
To make a fan, simply cut an “I”-shaped strip, then cut three lengths of tape lengthwise, leaving about 1-2 inches uncut on one end. This creates four small strips of tape that can then be used to spread over the swollen arm or leg.
The Lift kinesiology sport tape
Lifting bar for kinesiology sport tape.
Brett Sears, PT 2014
Lifting bands, commonly called Band-Aids, are often used to support injured tissue or treat muscle knots or trigger points. Lift straps help lift skin and tissue from sore muscles and trigger points. It is also used to treat superficial bruises. 5
T-shaped lift straps are made by cutting a small “I”-shaped strap. The middle part of the strip is exposed and then stretched 75-100%.
This full stretch is then applied to the body in the injured area. The smaller end piece is then applied to your body without stretching, creating a small Band-Aid that lifts the skin and tissue from the trigger point.
If your injury causes decreased movement or function and increased pain, your physical therapist may teach you to use kinesiology sport tape to treat your condition.
By learning how to cut the basic types of tape strips you use, you can ensure that the tape is applied correctly to your body to get the most out of your kinesiology tape.