Come utilizzare il nastro kinesiologico del gomito per alleviare il dolore al gomito del tennista

When tennis fans prepare for a wonderful match, our elbow nastro kinesiologico is the best choice to help you perform better and protect yourself during sports. AUPCON kinesiology tape for tennis elbow can provide hand muscle support, aid recovery of elbow inflammation, relieve elbow pain caused by hyperextension during sports, and keep you in optimal swing condition.

Nastro kinesiologico del gomito

Nastro AUPCON: un must per gli amanti del tennis

Quando pensiamo alle protezioni per il tennis, di solito pensiamo ai comuni dispositivi di protezione sportiva come gomitiere e polsiere. Tuttavia, sebbene questi dispositivi di protezione possano garantire l’effetto protettivo durante l’esercizio, i loro svantaggi sono il peso e le restrizioni, che non possono garantire un supporto sufficiente e alleviare la fatica. Ciò metterà molta pressione sulle tue successive partite di tennis.

AUPCON Tape series muscle tape is your best choice. Many tennis players also use our kinesiology tape. It is a soft, skin-friendly, elastic tape. It’s lightweight and easy to use, gently supporting and relieving pressure on inflamed muscles and tendons affected by tennis elbow. These cotton kinesiology tapes can basically meet everyone’s needs.

Fa nastro kinesiologico funziona per il dolore al gomito?

Of course, elbow nastro kinesiologico can treat elbow pain (also known as tennis elbow) and lateral epicondylitis (pain and inflammation on the outside of the elbow joint). It is often caused by repetitive swinging motions of the wrist and forearm, especially in racquet sports such as tennis.

gomito del tennista

muscle tape is an elastic therapeutic tape that adheres to the skin of muscles and joints.

1. Sollievo dal dolore: A muscle tape can help improve pain and range of motion by lifting the skin and improving circulation/lymphatic drainage around inflamed tendons.

2. Supporto e stabilizzazione: Supportando i tessuti deboli, il nastro kinesiologico del gomito può aumentare la gamma di movimento e la funzione. Questo può aiutare a ripristinare forza e mobilità al gomito e all’avambraccio.

3. Previene le vesciche: Se utilizzato sulle mani, il nastro kinesiologico per il gomito del tennista agisce come una barriera protettiva, riducendo l'attrito e la probabilità di vesciche dolorose.

4. Migliora la circolazione sanguigna: The muscle tape gently pulls the underlying skin and soft tissue to increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

If used correctly, it can aid recovery. The tape can also be used to great effect on the gomito del golfista.

Come usare nastro kinesiologico del gomito?

1. Prepara due pezzi di nastro kinesiologico per gomito che si adattino alla lunghezza delle braccia e dei gomiti, come mostrato nel video.

2. Trova il punto fisso, allunga il 65% per adattarlo alla pelle e fissalo.

3. L'attrito ripetuto stimola la forza adesiva del nastro e si adatta perfettamente alla pelle.

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Per quanto tempo può nastro kinesiologico del gomito essere mantenuto?

How long you want to keep the tape for pain depends on your specific usage. Generally, the tape can be used for 3-4 days.

If you exercise a lot that day, sweat a lot, and the surface of the tape for pain is dirty, it is recommended to replace it to keep your skin clean.

If you want to take a bath with the tape on, you can do so. The muscle tape is waterproof and you only need to wipe it dry gently after bathing. It will not affect the stickiness of the tape for pain.

If you experience skin discomfort or irritation after using the muscle tape, please remove the tape promptly.

dolore al gomito del tennista

Nastro AUPCON is a good helper to help you perform better in tennis. It comes from the kinesiology tape supplier, a manufacturer specializing in the production of elbow kinesiology tape. It has been established for more than ten years. Compared with the other products on the market Tape, the advantage of AUPCON’s tape lies in its favorable price and quality.

Because it is produced and shipped directly from the factory, it reduces the high cost of middlemen. It is precisely because it is a factory that it is suitable for people with large quantities of goods and those who want to customize. Undoubtedly the best choice. Use AUPCON kinesiology tape for tennis elbow to enhance your tennis experience and keep you in top form!

nastro kinesiologico per gomito del tennista


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