Cómo la cinta adhesiva para lesiones puede ayudarle a mantenerse libre de lesiones en el campo de fútbol

Soccer is an exciting and high-intensity sport, but sometimes injuries are inevitable, even for the hardest-working players. In this article, we’ll explore some common soccer injuries and how aupcon, a trusted injury tape brand, can provide the relief and support needed for a quick recovery.

Cinta para lesiones

Common Soccer Injuries and Aupcon Injury Tape Solutions:

Férulas En Las Espinillas

This painful condition causes discomfort in the front or back of the shin, often due to repeated pressure on the shin bone and attached tissues. Injury tape can help soccer players relieve this pain by providing targeted support and reducing stress on the affected muscles. Please refer to how to use the kinesiology tape for Shin splints.

Dolor de rodilla

Knee pain is a common problem for soccer players and stems from overuse, improper technique, or an underlying condition. Injury tape can provide stability, reduce inflammation, and promote proper joint tracking to relieve pain and support. Browse our Cómo utilizar la cinta de kinesiología de rodilla.

Esguinces de tobillo

Ankle sprains are standard on the soccer field and can cause instability and discomfort. Injury tape can be a game changer, providing light structural support to injured ligaments, improving blood circulation, and helping to reduce swelling for faster recovery. Check out our cómo usar la cinta para el tobillo

Torcedura de tendón

Sudden acceleration and deceleration can cause hamstring strains, which are a major setback for soccer players. Injury tape can help manage hamstring strains by providing support to injured muscle fibers, improving blood flow, and supporting you throughout your recovery. See our How To Put Kinesiology Tape On Your Hamstrings.

Lesiones en la ingle

Rapid changes in direction and violent lateral movements can lead to groin injuries characterized by inner thigh pain. Injury tape can provide targeted support to the groin area, reducing muscle stress and promoting a smoother recovery.

Abrasiones en el brazo

Las abrasiones en los brazos, también llamadas quemaduras del césped, son roturas en la piel provocadas por un impacto violento cuando un jugador de fútbol cae. Las abrasiones en el brazo se pueden prevenir envolviendo una cinta de césped de 10 cm alrededor del brazo. También se le conoce como cinta de césped o Cinta de kinesiología de 4 pulgadas..

Entonces, ¿qué es la cinta para lesiones?

La cinta para lesiones también se llama cinta de kinesiología de algodón o cinta muscular. Se utiliza más comúnmente en centros de fisioterapia, equipos deportivos y equipos de atletismo.

Diferentes tamaños de cintas kinesiológicas
aplicación de cinta de kinesiología

Contact the fabricante de cintas de kinesiología.

Cinta de kinesiología is an elastic patch that has gradually gained attention in clinical practice in Europe and the United States in recent years. It is not medicinal like traditional Chinese plasters or medicated cloths, so it is less likely to cause skin allergies or maladaptation.

The most magical effect of cinta de kinesiología comes from its own design with tension and elasticity. Whether it is the “cloth” on the upper layer of the patch itself or the “glue” on the lower layer that sticks to the skin, they are designed according to biomechanics and physiological mechanisms. Therefore, the quality has a great impact on the treatment effect.

Además de la propia cinta para lesiones, el factor más crítico que determina el efecto del tratamiento es la experiencia y las habilidades del terapeuta. El mismo rollo de cinta para lesiones puede verse similar incluso si se pega con cinta adhesiva de la misma manera. Aun así, el efecto del tratamiento puede diferir significativamente del “diseño” y “ajuste” del vendaje según los síntomas de otros pacientes. Los terapeutas deben considerar los conceptos y técnicas generales de tratamiento del tejido de la fascia subcutánea, el tejido muscular, las articulaciones, la circulación sanguínea y linfática, el tejido nervioso, etc., para ejercer el efecto terapéutico mágico de la cinta para lesiones.

Try to let professional sports medicine and rehabilitation physicians help with taping or taping under their guidance(Cómo usar la cinta de kinesiología). Before taping, the taping area needs to be cleaned, kept at room temperature, and dry, and then the Injury tape is directly applied to the skin. When taping, the tightness should be moderate and taped along the direction of the injured muscle and the sports anatomical structure of the specific part.

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